Sunday, October 31, 2010

Belajar dan Pembelajaran

             Seorang guru bagaimana pun juga, ia berada dalam zona pendidikan. Pada zona ini, yang akan mereka hadapi langsung adalah manusia. Karena yang diajar dan dididik oleh seorang guru adalah manusia. Dalam proses balajar mengajar, seorang guru bagai berada diatas jalan setapak yang berada ditepi jurang, apabila tidak berhati-hati melangkah akan terperosok jatuh. Seorang guru yang tidak berhati-hati dan mengajarkan hal yang tidak baik akan membawa peserta didiknya ke arah yang salah. Maka dari itu, walaupun pekerjaan seorang guru dianggap sebagai pekerjaan yang tidak terlalu sulit dan mulia namun jika tidak berhati-hati akan dapat menjerumuskan seseorang pada hal yang tidak baik.
          Perlu disadari bahwa setiap individu memiliki potensi masing-masing, baik itu terlihat maupun terpendam. Ini adalah tugas seorang guru untuk menumbuh kembangkan potensi yang ada pada setiap peserta didiknya. Dalam proses penumbuh kembangan potensi ini, seorang guru harus dapat mengembangkan potensi peserta didiknya secara optimal. Bagaimana caranya agar pengembangan potensi dapat dilakukan secara optimal ? Jawabanya adalah dengan dengan memahami betul sifat hakekat manusia. Dengan mengerti dan memahami sifat hakekat manusia seorang guru akan memiliki peta karakteristik manusia. Peta ini akan mempermudah guru dalam menghadapi berbagai macam peserta didiknya dalam proses belajar mengajar karena seorang guru akan mengetahui bagaimana harus bersikap, strategi dan metode apa yang akan dipergunakan, pendekatan dan pola komunikasi apa yang cocok digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Dengan mengetahui semua hal itu,  seorang guru dapat dengan mudah mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki peserta didiknya secara optimal.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Miracle of SuperCamp and All The Way to Success

In this opportunity, i would like to explain about the first chapter in the book of quantum learning. There are four parts in this chapter. I'll only explain the first two parts.

Well, there is a business school which is located in Vorment, known as Burklyn Business School. This school was founded in late 1970. Burklyn Business School is a school where business people not only learn about the material and practice but also learn about building confidence, feel more successful in their life in the same time. This school produces entrepreneurs who have learned more about themselves and also about business.

In Burklyn Business School, the entrepreneurs were approached with the material which is taught as a holistic experience, not just a material that have to be digested and vomited again. This school also makes this learning experience can be applied o the real life, not purely academical and theoretical. The most valuable thing in learning is hot to learn. So, in Burklyn Business Sschool the first week of the six weeks curriculum is used to learn basic of learning skills such as note, memorize, and speed reading. Surklyn Business School seeks to create fun and trusting atmosphere between students and instructors. Combination of these factors, coupled with a primary focus in the whole brain, allowing student to learn more effectively, absorb and remember a large amount of technical material.

The Miracle of Supercamp

Supercamp is ten-day program that combine the growing self confidence, learning skill and communication skill in a fun environment. Initially, most participants felt reluctant, suspicious and don't cooperate. After a while, they began to see amazing breakthroughs from this program. Ultimately, this program was successful. Academically, the results are dramatic. Some student who always got 1,8 GPA could reach 4 after attending this program. Best score is not really important. The most important thing is to enjoy study and motivate ourselves.

All The Way to Success

In supercamp, all the harmoniously curriculum is a combination of three elements : academic skill, physical achievement and skill in life. This curriculum is based on a basic philosophy. " to be effective, learning can and should be fun. learning is a long life activity that can be done with fun and successful. the whole person is important : intellectual, physical, and emotion or personality. high self respect in also important in shaping a healthy and happy students."
To support this philosophy, instructor of supercamp very careful to prepare the environment in supercamp so that all the student feel important, secure and comfortable. it starts with physical environment which is made more beautiful withe plant, art and music. emotional environment is also important to be create in order that learning process can be optimize.The same as business school, supercamp also teaches about ho to learn skill like note,memorize, speed reading, writing and think creatively.

First, instructors of supercamp must make breakthrough myth. most student come to supercamp because the feel intimidated from school. They believe that they can't learn anymore. Supercamp must make a paradigm shift or brainwash.The way the do it is with physical challenges like walking on a rope, jumping from little board to the upper pole, power walking and so on. these activities are intended to shatter the myth " i can not" which have already made some people back from their life.

Combination of these three elements (academic skill, physical achievement and skill in life) is a mixture that produces big difference in the lives of thousands of students over the years.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I am nineteen years old, I’m 1.60 meters and my weight is about 90 pounds. I have long straight black hair, slanted eyes and pug nose. I also have oval face. My figure is a bit slender. I’m ignorant and seem a bit fierce but inside my heart I’m a kind girl. I usually wear casual clothes like shirt because I study in faculty of teachers’ training and education science so I must care about my appearance. My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play basketball once in a week. I live in Cibinong. I like this place because the weather is nice and friendly.