Thursday, December 8, 2011

example of lesson plan (CLT method)

Lesson Plan
1.       Topic                          : Expression of Agreement and Disagreement
2.       Students' Grade          : Grade VIII of Junior High School
3.       Skills                          : Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening
4.       Time allotment            : 45 minutes
5.       Objectives/aims
·         Students are expected to be able to identify the expressions for agreement and disagreement.
·         Students are expected to be able to express how to express agree and disagree.
6.      Method                       : Communicative Language Teaching
7.       Teaching resources     : Handbooks
8.       Steps of activities (pre, whilst, post)
a.       Pre-activity: (15 minutes)
·         Students are given a piece of paper. (2 minutes)
·         Students are asked to write a free statement of anything they like. (3 minutes)
·         Students exchange the paper to other students. (2 minutes)
·         Some students are asked to read the paper and give responses to the statement whether she or he agrees or disagrees with the statement (when a student give response, other students listen carefully and identify whether the response is agreement and disagreement). (8minutes)
b.      Whilst : (25 minutes)
·         Students are given a dialog which contains expression of agreement and disagreement. (1 minutes)
·         Students are asked to make a group of three and present the dialog.
(5 minutes)
·         Students are asked to identify expression of agreement and disagreement from the dialog orally.(3 minutes)
·         Each group is asked to make their own dialog which contains expression of agreement and disagreement and present it in front of the class. (10 minutes)
·         Each group is given some papers which have been written a word in each paper, containing expression of agreement and disagreement. ( 1 minutes)
·         Members of each group are asked to unscramble the word and make it into the correct statement of agreement or disagreement. (5 minutes)
c.       Post-activity : (5 minutes)
·         Students are checked their understanding by having a chit chat with the teacher. (3 minutes)
·         Students are asked to share their feeling about the material whether it’s hard or not. (2 minutes)
9.       Assessment/Evaluation  : The evaluation is done orally by having a conversation with each student.