Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lesson Plan (Teaching Writing - Passive Voice)

Topic                   : Tenses – Passive Voice
Student Grade   : XI
Skill                     : Writing
Time Allotment  : 1 x 20 minutes
Objectives           : After this meeting, students are expected to be able to:
1.    Identify the pattern of passive voice for simple and continuous tense, especially in present and past form.
2.    Change the active sentence become passive.
3.    Construct the passive sentence.
Method               : Cooperative Learning
Teaching Resources  : Textbooks: Understanding and Using English Grammar.
                                     (Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Longman: USA)
Steps of Activities
1.    Pre Activities    :
§  Brainstorming. (2 minutes)

2.    Whilst               :
§  Students are divided into groups of 4 students. (1 minute)
§  Each group (the home group) is given a different paper about the active and the passive sentences. (1 minute)
§  Students are asked to analyze the pattern and master it together. (2 minutes)
§  Three of students from home group will move to another group to get explanation about the different pattern.                                                                   (3 mins)   
§  One of student will stay to explain the pattern to the other members from another group.
§  Students return to the home group and explain the other pattern which they have learned from another group. (2 minutes)
§  Students are given exercise by the teacher. (3 minutes)
§  Students and the teacher discuss the best answer from the exercise. (3 minutes)
§  Students are given more explanation about passive voice. (1 minute)
            3. Post Activities   :
§  Reviewing the material that have they learned in this meeting. (2 minutes)
Assessment / Evaluation : Students (each group) are given a written assessment to construct active sentences into passive.

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